2000 LSU Computer Science High School Programming Contest
Novice Problem 1: Divisibility





Many times it is useful to know what divisors a number has. You have been requested to help determine divisors for a bunch of numbers.

Common divisors that show up frequently are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9. In fact, numbers that are divisible by at least 4 of these 7 divisors are considered easily divisible.

Your job is to read a series of numbers and determine if they are easy.


Input will consist of one positive integer per line. You continue should processing until you encounter a 0.


You are to output each number and tell if it is easy (see the sample output below). Spacing is not significant. There must be at least one space between each number/word. Each line of input should generate one line of output.

Sample Input


Sample Output

24 is easy.
17 is not easy.
30 is easy.
36 is easy.

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© 2000 LSU Computer Science High School Programming Contest

This page last updated 2001/04/05 20:28:48.